tiistai 16. elokuuta 2016

Imaging recource: US$5,000 grant offered to help projects documenting the Alzheimer’s crisis, all in memory of Bob and Diane

    If your loved ones live to the ripe old age of 85 in America today, there's a frightening one-in-three chance that they'll be afflicted with Alzheimer's Disease. Worldwide, some 44-48 million people suffer from Alzheimer's and dementia, a number that's only likely to rise as baby boomers continue to enter their twilight years. These statistics should be shocking, but as mere words on a computer screen they lack the impact they deserve. That's where a new grant from the Bob and Diane Fund comes in. Bob and Diane Martin, the...
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from Imaging Resource News Page http://ift.tt/2bbxUhV

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