Samsung has announced the latest version of their incredibly small and lightweight SSDs: the T5. Boasting incredible transfer speeds of up to 540 MB/s and up to 2 TB of storage on a single drive, Samsung's latest is designed to work for traveling photographers and videographers who don't want to waste weight and space on larger, heavier HDDs. Smaller than the average business card (74 x 57.3 x 10.5 millimeters (3.0 x 2.3 x 0.4 inches)), the drive weighs jsut 51 grams and fits in the palm of your hand. Samsung will be offering...
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from Imaging Resource News Page
tiistai 15. elokuuta 2017
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» Imaging recource: Samsung’s new SSD T5 is tiny, portable, up to 2 terabytes and boasts 540 MB/s speeds
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